Already the thriller around the elections in the USA has already caused a slight loosening of the omnipresent COVID topic. But at the latest with the message of a highly effective vaccine it is worthwhile itself to lift the head and to direct the view forward.
The management of Corona has taken a lot of time and energy in the companies in the last weeks.
None of us expected the virus at the beginning of the year. None of us was shelving strategies and "best practices" for a situation like this.
But there was one thing we all had in common: we were all affected in one way or another, mostly in a glaring way.
However, a great amount of time was taken from us.

Many questions arose in connection with COVID in the company's everyday life and took up a lot of time.
None of us expected the virus at the beginning of the year. None of us was shelving strategies and "best practices" for a situation like this. But there was one thing we all had in common: we were all affected in one way or another, mostly in a glaring way. However, a great amount of time was taken from us.
Of course, it can now be argued that not everything connected with the pandemic was in vain and had only a Corona sense. Video-web conferences have become part of everyday life, training courses, trade fairs and conferences have also become available online, virtual tools & services have been introduced. ... from the sustainability of each of the actions the success and above all the effectiveness will be measured.
Even the last clouds of corona fog will gradually clear up. Even though the virus and its effects will accompany us for a longer period, we will continue to develop more routines in everyday life. This combined with currently often lower call rates creates free time and energy.
Time available for maintenance and servicing of the production equipment. Time to spend on all the work that has not been done until now. Time to upgrade the machines with extended sensor technology making them ready for Industry 4.0 / IoT and thus enabling a more precise monitoring of the operating data. Free time for benchmarking of the machine settings and for stroke rate optimization. In summary, free time to carry out shelved projects and for optimization.
Production and shift schedules must be reassessed and realigned strategically. Are the current shifts currently being used to their optimum capacity? Relocation of tools and/or optimization are a big lever here.
On transfer presses, through ideal adjustment of the machine parameters and especially the cam settings, a stroke rate and process optimization is achieved. Often modifications for improvements to the dies themselves can also be derived from this. Experience repeatedly shows that a potential between 10-30% higher stroke rates can be achieved. Even on conventional presses, without expensive retrofitting efforts.
A further look is taken at the tools in the press shop. Which tools are the current OEE killers in your production? Tools not only have to run on the right press or in a plant with specialized cost structures, but also the location of a plant in the right region can help save money by reducing logistics costs. Especially for long term runner dies it is important to check where the parts are to be delivered to in the meantime.
A tool relocation represents a very large lever to rearrange and reorganize the efficiency of a pressshop.
Are you thinking about a tool relocation or have you already started a relocation process?
Alongside the identification of a company owning the proper press, the compatibility of the tool with the relocating press can be checked, based on the tool CAD data.
This significantly reduces the risk.
It is also possible to predict the stroke rate to evaluate the profitability of the relocation.

Many aspects have to be considered when tools are relocated.
And what happens when the tools then are on the relocation press? Here, too, process optimization and check-up of the setting data is part of the service, which is provided regardless of the press and automation manufacturer.
Have I raised your interest? Do not hesitate to contact me - I am looking forward take a look uppon your challenges.